
  • Product Review: Thruster Plates

    Product Review: Thruster Plates

    Product Review: Thruster 45lb Plates (Set of 2) I love the plates. It’s easy to roll the bar on/off for hip thrusting. It’s perfect position to get into hip-thrusting position and this is for someone who is 5’10 since there is an extra 3inches in diameter. You can use this for deadlifts too, which we…

  • Product Review: BC Strength Thruster

    Product Review: BC Strength Thuster I love the BC Strength Hip Thruster. It’s magical for Hip Thrusts and I never fully understood the movement until I acquired this equipment. I had thought I did, but this equipment will make you appreciate hip thrusting and make you a pro. If you live in an apartment, the…

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