Conquering Fears

The look of excitement for conquering my fears!

Today I went for a 90-minute walk that includes crossing a river. Stephen has been bugging me to conquer my fears and crossed it. Today I did it, and of course, I did it solo. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช. Woohoo!

TBH it was easy. I have been a chicken the past two years. I had to remember all the cues from the PCT in 2017. It brought back so many memories. Strangely the water felt warm too, so that made it more comfortable along the water wasn’t that high as it appears.

Below is a picture of what I used to do with a 25lb pack three years ago.

Aside from that, mission accomplished: a long 90 minute walk along the coast and conquering my fears. Please remember that walking is still an excellent activity to keep moving. I love it because I can stay outside longer without feeling like ๐Ÿ’ฉ for the rest of the day.

Of course, I remained hydrated along the way. These mornings seem not that hot, but that is when I need the most water because I’m least likely to recognize dehydration. My favorite thing to drink is Nuun Sport because it reassures me that I am hydrated when I’m on the move and it’s only 15 calories per 16oz.

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